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Officers accused of domestic violence, drug/alcohol abuse, and lying top the list
by Steve Held and Raven Geary Jan 15, 2025
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Content warning: domestic abuse, police violence
At least 80 Chicago police officers were relieved of their police powers for some period of time between January 1 and November 17, 2024. Most officers were benched as a result of drug or alcohol abuse, domestic violence, making false statements, or other criminal charges.
The summaries of available details that led to each cop losing their badge are categorized by the major area of misconduct. The summaries were compiled by analyzing hundreds of records, including police forms, reports, arrest records, court documents, investigative files from the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) and CPD’s Bureau of Internal Affairs (BIA), and news sources.
Most of the officers are currently collecting a paycheck in the Alternate Response Section (ARS), a unit primarily staffed by officers with disciplinary and medical issues who answer non-emergency phone calls. Officers slated to be fired may spend years in ARS as they await final court decisions in the FOP’s fight to allow officers to have their cases heard in secret arbitration proceedings.
While dozens on this list were arrested and charged, many others were stripped of their badge for non-criminal misconduct. Those who have been charged are presumed innocent while awaiting trial. A few officers have already been reinstated. The current assignment listed for each officer is as of December 2024.
Officers designated with “PPO” titles were Probationary Police Officers. Officers are probationary for the first 18 months after entering the academy and are not shielded from discipline under the police union contract.
Browse the entire list of stripped cops or skip to a category:
Det. Horacio Herrera #21162, 49 years old
🏆Hall of Shame Award Winner
Current status: Medical leave
Last assignment: Area 3 Detective
Tenure: 25 years
Detective Horacio Herrera was on medical leave when he was stripped of his police powers after being arrested in April for driving under the influence outside a Northwest Side McDonald’s. According to the police report, he attempted—but did not succeed—to make an order in the drive-through lane, then crashed his car into a planter outside the business.
The manager of the McDonald’s removed his keys from the ignition and called police. Responding officers reported witnessing Herrera, who had also visibly urinated on himself, unzip his pants to urinate on the planter. When asked to provide his driver’s license, he repeatedly offered his credit cards. He was also found to be driving while uninsured. He was arrested and taken to the 19th District for processing. His court case is still ongoing.
Sgt. Rasah Daily #2369, 47 years old
Hall of Shame Runner-Up
Current status: Medical leave
Last assignment: 4th District
Tenure: 23 years
Sgt. Rasah Daily was arrested and charged with driving under the influence, fleeing the scene, and following too closely in September after she rear-ended a CTA bus on Lake Shore Drive and fled the scene on foot. As was the case with several other officers arrested in 2024, the drink of choice found in her vehicle was Cutwater mixed tequila. According to the police report of the incident, no passengers on the bus were injured. In early January 2025 she was sentenced to one year probation and must complete a traffic safety course.
Sgt. Ronald Rewers #884, 52 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 8th District
Last assignment: 8th District
Tenure: 26 years
Sgt. Ronald Rewers was stripped of his badge after Georgia state troopers arrested him for driving under the influence at a checkpoint outside a country music festival in May. He was issued a 25-day suspension and reinstated in October. Rewers is also named in a federal civil lawsuit involving corrupt Det. Reynaldo Guevara. The complaint alleges Rewers knowingly approved false reports which led to Edwin Ortiz’s wrongful conviction and 21-year imprisonment.
PO Lorenzo Thompson #15922, 25 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 3rd District
Tenure: 2 years
Lorenzo Thompson was arrested and cited for driving under the influence after he hit another vehicle in August. Responding officers reported he was in possession of a bottle of tequila behind the wheel. He pleaded guilty in November and was sentenced to a year of probation.
Sgt. Ivan Ramos #2338, 42 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 14th District
Tenure: 18 years
Sgt. Ivan Ramos was stripped of his powers in August after being arrested out of state in Sevier County, Tennessee. He was cited for DUI and carrying a weapon while under the influence. The police report for the incident also indicates he had allegedly covered up his vehicle tag.
PO Francisco Galvan #4235, 30 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: Area 1
Tenure: 6 years
Francisco Galvan was stripped of his police powers in August after an arrest outside the 7th District. Several other police officers intervened as he was reportedly attacking his girlfriend, also a CPD officer, in the parking lot. Open containers of alcohol were found in his vehicle. Arresting officers reported he had one live round chambered in a gun found on his person.
While he was cited for both driving under the influence and domestic battery, the Cook County State’s Attorney dropped all charges against him in September. He has since petitioned to have records of the charges expunged. A judge reinstated his driver’s license, citing a “lack of due process.”
PO Hasan Al-Amin #9144, 52 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 19th District
Tenure: 29 years
Hasan Al-Amin was stripped of his powers twice in 2024. In January, he was found to be impaired on duty. Then, in October, he was found off duty in his car flipped on its passenger side after crashing into two other vehicles. Responding officers observed him drop an unsealed bottle of Crown Royal in a bush after he climbed out of his car, and he was cited for driving under the influence.
Sgt. David Blyskal #1120, 58 years old
Current status: Medical leave
Last assignment: Tactical Review and Evaluation Division
Tenure: 34 years
Sgt. David Blyskal was arrested for driving under the influence out of state in San Diego County in September.
PPO Hever Valenzuela-Mejia #17014, 28 years old
Current status: No longer with CPD
Last assignment: 25th District
Tenure: 2 years
Hever Valenzuela-Meija was arrested and cited for driving under the influence in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. After leaving CPD (given his status as a probationary officer, it is unclear if he was terminated or quit willingly), he was then hired for a part-time position as a police officer in Bridgeview, IL.
Sgt. Aaron Carranza #1140, 44 years old
Current status: Medical leave
Last assignment: Mounted Unit
Tenure: 20 years
Sgt. Aaron Carranza was cited for driving under the influence in August. He was stripped of his powers and has been on medical leave since the arrest.
PPO Vanessa Nolan, 32 years old
Current status: Discharged
Last assignment: Recruit Training Section
Tenure: 1 years
Vanessa Nolan was discharged from CPD after she was arrested for driving under the influence.
PO Nicholas Abramson #13605, 33 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Alternate Response Section
Tenure: 8 years
Nicholas Abramson was stripped of his police powers in September while already on assignment in ARS after he was found to be impaired on drugs while on duty. This was his second time being relieved of his badge. Abramson was initially assigned to ARS after COPA investigators found he lied about a brutal excessive force incident in 2020. He and his partner viciously slammed a man to the ground, and were captured on body worn camera laughing about the attack afterward.
In 2023, the Police Board agreed with COPA Chief Administrator Andrea Kersten that he should be separated from CPD.
PO Ronald Cavanaugh #3274, 54 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 5th District
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 28 years
Ronald Cavanaugh has been the subject of dozens of complaints over the years, and has served multiple suspensions for misconduct including sustained allegations of excessive force. He was stripped of his police powers in March after being found to be intoxicated on duty, then reinstated in July. He served a 25-day suspension in October. Police records show he previously was cited for driving under the influence in 2009.
PO Khalilah Muhammad #18502, 31 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 3rd District
Last assignment: Office of Community Policing
Tenure: 6 years
Khalilah Muhammad was stripped of his police powers after a drug and alcohol screen revealed he was impaired on duty. He was issued a 15-day suspension, and then reinstated on October 26, 2024.
PO Aramis Williams #13906, 28 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Alternate Response Section
Tenure: 6 years
Aramis Williams was cited for battery and driving under the influence in 2023 when a woman called police alleging he grabbed her from behind and fondled her at a party. He was stopped by CPD shortly after. According to the incident report, he had open containers of alcohol in his vehicle as well as two firearms. Williams was stripped of his police powers and reassigned to ARS. Then, he was caught intoxicated on duty while assigned to ARS.
PO Qwon Spencer #14568, 52 years old
Current status: Retired
Last assignment: Alternate Response Section
Tenure: 29 years
Qwon Spencer was found to be intoxicated on duty in April 2024, and he retired several days later. He had already been stripped of his powers and assigned to ARS in June 2023 for intoxication on duty—one day after COPA was notified of his involvement in a bizarre off-duty alley shooting where investigators said it was unclear if he fired first. During his tenure, he served at least five suspensions.
FTO Binyamin Jones #8910, 39 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 14 years
Binyamin Jones was stripped of his powers in April after being found to be intoxicated on duty. He still holds the title of Field Training Officer as he sits in ARS.
PO James Gildea #17466, 50 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 12th District
Last assignment: 12th District
Tenure: 26 years
James Gildea was found to be impaired on duty in April 2024. He was reinstated to his position in September.
Sgt. James Printz #1064, 61 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 15th District
Last assignment: 15th District
Tenure: 25 years
Sgt. James Printz was issued a 15-day suspension, yet to be served, for impairment on duty. He was stripped of his police powers in March and assigned to ARS, then went on medical leave. He was then reinstated to his position in August. In 2022 and 2023, he faced sustained allegations of neglect of duty and conduct unbecoming.
PO Erik Konior #4532, 45 years old
Current status: Medical leave
Last assignment: 25th District
Tenure: 21 years
Erik Konior was found to be intoxicated on duty in May 2024. He was stripped of his powers and has been on leave since.
PO David Andrich #4314, 42 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Alternate Response Section
Tenure: 18 years
David Andrich was already assigned to ARS when he was found to be intoxicated on duty in July. He was subsequently stripped but then had his badge reinstated in September. Andrich is still assigned to ARS.
PO Renee Beamon #19155, 49 years old
Current status: Reinstated, Police Documents Section
Last assignment: Police Documents Section
Tenure: 20 years
Renee Beamon was stripped of her police powers in July and issued a 25-day suspension for impairment on duty. She was previously suspended in 2022 for losing her service weapon.
PO Theresa Depietro #6530, 38 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 11th District
Tenure: 7 years
Theresa Depietro was stripped of her police powers at the start of 2024, after she allegedly refused to take a drug and alcohol screening. Depietro worked for the Illinois Department of Corrections until 2017 before joining CPD.
PO Gino Garcia #17854, 31 years old
Current status: Resigned
Last assignment: 8th District
Tenure: 8 years
Gino Garcia was stripped of his powers in July after he failed a drug screen and issued a summary punishment of 10 days without pay. Over his tenure, he has been suspended at least 14 times for various issues, including unpermitted absences and medical roll violations. In 2019, Garcia was U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski’s guest at the State of the Union. Garcia resigned from the department in August.
PO Sean Flisk #9708, 50 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section/Medical leave
Last assignment: Narcotics Division
Tenure: 20 years
Sean Flisk failed a drug screen in February. While he’s currently assigned to ARS, he’s been on the medical roll since June.
PO Nicole Fouch #19279, 53 years old
Current status: Retired
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 28 years
Nicole Fouch was stripped of her powers in April and retired one month later in May to avoid separation after failing a drug screen.
PO George Donald #18857, 37 years old
Current status: Leave of absence
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 5 years
George Donald failed a drug screen in May while on medical leave. He’s been on leave since June.
PO Catherine Pacheco #6238, 34 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Tactical Review and Evaluation Division
Tenure: 7 years
Catherine Pacheco was stripped of her police powers in September after failing a drug screen.
PO Macario Chavez #9084, 42 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: Narcotics
Tenure: 18 years
Macario Chavez was arrested in March for domestic battery. Chavez allegedly repeatedly kissed his 19-year-old cousin (by marriage) on her face and lips without her consent. Criminal charges against Chavez were dropped after he agreed to an order prohibiting contact with the cousin. The order, in effect until August 31, 2026, stipulates that no law enforcement agency should be notified about the existence of the order and Chavez will retain his FOID card.
In 2019, COPA recommended that Chavez be permanently stripped of his police powers after he demonstrated a “reckless disregard for human life” in the 2011 police killing of 19-year-old Calvin Cross. Chavez fired from his carbine rifle until it was empty—28 shots—in a residential neighborhood and followed up with more shots from his pistol. The city settled a subsequent lawsuit for $2 million.
PO Walter Davis #3010, 33 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: 6th District
Tenure: 2 years
Walter Davis has been put on restricted duty twice. Davis was first relieved of his badge in June, citing two domestic violence complaints. He was written up again in October for a separate conduct unbecoming violation.
In December 2023, Davis went on a date with a woman he met on Facebook. After the date, as she walked home, Davis texted to say he was in front of her apartment. She alleges Davis was angry because she did not want to have sex, complaining, “You’re not going to give me no pussy.” A physical altercation took place, leaving her with scratches and bite marks on her shoulder. Davis reportedly fled the scene before police arrived, taking the woman’s phone and purse with him.
In April 2024, COPA received another report from a woman alleging in November 2023 Davis threatened her at her residence by trying to break a window and displaying his service weapon. Both domestic violence investigations remain open. BIA would not provide additional details for the separate conduct unbecoming complaint.
Det. Marco Torres #21344, 40 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: Alternate Response Section
Tenure: 15 years
Marco Torres was arrested in March and charged with domestic battery and assault. As we previously reported, Torres was found guilty of assault on November 26. He was sentenced to 12 months of probation on electronic monitoring. Torres is also the subject of a whistleblower lawsuit against the City of Chicago that alleges the police department failed to address his “history of violence and misconduct directed toward female colleagues.”
PO Jose Rodriguez #5512, 34 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 16th District
Tenure: 2 years
In February, COPA opened an investigation into allegations received from a woman who had been dating Jose Rodriguez. She alleged that he showed up at her home intoxicated, kicked his way through the back door, smashed objects, vomited on her couch, and ripped the door off of the microwave. CPD allowed Rodriguez to continue to work his beat in the 16th District for another eight months. On July 19, COPA sent a memo to Supt. Larry Snelling recommending Rodriguez be relieved of his police powers. He was not stripped of his badge until October 29.
PO Jason Rodriguez #13226, 29 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 3rd District
Tenure: 5 years
Jason Rodriguez, a tactical officer, was arrested in October on a domestic battery charge. Rodriguez’s sister reported that she was awoken by Rodriguez yelling at her. Then, he allegedly choked her, dragged her down the stairs by her hair, and pressed his knee on her neck. The incident was witnessed by a nephew. Prosecutors dropped the charges with the option to reinstate.
PO Arefes Everette #16421, 31 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 9th District
Tenure: 2 years
Arefes Everette was arrested in March in Louisville, Kentucky on a domestic battery complaint. Everette allegedly punched the mother of their child in the face, pushed her, and threw a drink in her face. When local police were called, Everette fled the scene. He was previously accused of domestic battery in November 2023.
PO Manuel Perez, Jr. #8531, 38 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 10th District
Tenure: 3 years
A woman who had been dating Manuel Perez, Jr., reported multiple instances of domestic violence to police in October 2023. The woman later provided details to COPA about other instances of physical and verbal abuse, including hitting and kicking her, and taking away her phone to prevent her from calling 911. On October 25, 2024, COPA Chief Administrator Kersten sent a memo to Supt. Snelling recommending Perez be relieved of his police powers, which CPD did on October 31.
PO Dexavier Langham #7872, 31 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 6th District
Tenure: 7 years
Dexavier Langham was arrested in March for domestic battery. Police responded to a call from Langham’s girlfriend where she reported that he “hit her with an open hand about the face, pulled her hair, and choked her slamming her into the wall.” In July, a judge found Langham not guilty.
PO Jermaine Townsend #19758, 44 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 4th District
Tenure: 4 years
Jermaine Townsend was stripped of his badge in June, citing a domestic battery complaint received on May 11. CPD has refused to provide any additional reports regarding the incident claiming it would interfere with an open investigation.
PO Todd Akande #8009, 35 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 11th District
Tenure: 3 years
Todd Akande was arrested in Hammond, Indiana on a complaint of domestic battery in July. Hammond police responded to a disturbance in a restaurant parking lot where they reported finding a woman crying, shaking, and bleeding from both legs with abrasions on her arm after Akande shoved her to the ground. The two had been exchanging custody of their child.
PPO Matthew Gonzalez #13959, 38 years old
Current status: Discharged
Last assignment: 24th District
Tenure: 2 years
Matthew Gonzalez was arrested in January on two complaints of domestic violence. His wife alleged that on July 4th, 2023, Gonzalez was intoxicated and threw her against a door. In another incident in November 2023, she said he grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her against a dresser. On May 21, 2024, a judge found Gonzalez not guilty on both counts. CPD discharged Gonzalez in February 2024.
PO Jason Lenski #10213, 45 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: Traffic Section
Tenure: 18 years
Jason Lenski was relieved of duty in September following his arrest in West Chicago on two counts of domestic battery. His next court date is January 30. While working an anti-Trump protest in 2016, Lenski was quoted by the Tribune saying, “You know this is why Trump won. Because people are sick of liberals,” in response to a protester asking where his KKK hood was.
PPO Lindsley Griffin #10827, 28 years old
Current status: Discharged
Last assignment: 25th District
Tenure: 1 year
Lindsley Griffin was arrested in April on complaints of domestic battery and criminal damage to property. A police officer who had been in a relationship with Griffin reported that while she was out, she saw Griffin “removing her outdoor cameras,” at her apartment. When she returned home, Griffin was not there, but her bedroom door had been broken into. Her service weapon, her off-duty weapon, and her badge were missing. When Griffin returned, he allegedly shoved her to the ground. He was discharged from CPD within three days of the incident. In June, criminal charges were dropped with the ability to refile them at a later date.
PPO Adrian Hernandez #15687, 24 years old
Current status: Discharged
Last assignment: 6th District
Tenure: 2 years
Adrian Hernandez was arrested in May on a domestic battery charge. Allegedly, Hernandez was out at a restaurant when he saw an ex-girlfriend talking to another man. She reported that he “grabbed her by the arm,” and yanked her away. She left and went to the police station to file a report. CPD discharged Hernandez within ten days of his arrest. A judge found him not guilty in November.
PO Stephan Shaw #19824, 32 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 18th District
Tenure: 2 years
Stephan Shaw has been charged with eight felonies, including aggravated criminal sexual assault and custodial sexual misconduct after he allegedly groped a woman, forced her to touch his genitals, and made sexually suggestive remarks while in his custody. The victim filed a civil lawsuit against the city in July 2023. CPD stripped Shaw of his badge in April 2024, despite being made aware of the allegations in May 2023 while he was still a probationary officer.
PO Damian Viveros #15104, 29 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 10th District
Tenure: 2 years
Damian Viveros was arrested outside of Cook County in June on a sexual misconduct complaint. Additional details were not available at publication time.
PO Robert Carrillo #11813, 49 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 20th District
Last assignment: 20th District
Tenure: 25 years
Robert Carrillo was the subject of an Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) sexual harassment investigation earlier this year, and relieved of his police powers from Feb 29 through May 26. Investigators sustained allegations that he inappropriately contacted the woman after he learned she had filed a complaint and that he called her from an unknown number after she blocked his number. They did not sustain the remaining allegations.
PO Emile Domer #17294, 38 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section/Medical Leave
Last assignment: 3rd District
Tenure: 11 years
Emile Domer was stripped of his badge in April citing the COPA investigation into the police shooting of Shaquille Parker on August 5, 2023. COPA’s completed report is not yet available, but according to data obtained from COPA via a public records request, their preliminary finding was that the shooting by tactical officers was justified. They sustained other allegations against Domer including “excessive force, not involving a weapon, resulting in serious bodily injury,” and “verbal abuse, allegations of bias.” Additional details were not available pending the finalization of COPA’s report.
PO Michael Donnelly #13784, 36 years old
Current status: 18th District
Last assignment: 18th District
Tenure: 11 years
Michael Donnelly was stripped of his police powers days after he was captured on video in River North beating a man in the face, pushing the barrel of his gun against the man’s head while several officers held him down, and yelling, “I’m gonna fucking shoot you. You’re gonna get fucking shot.” Donnelly was previously involved in at least two wrong raids, including the home of Anjanette Young. As of July, Donnelly was the subject of 19 open misconduct investigations. His current duties in the 18th District are unclear.
PO Alberto Covarrubias #18769, 48 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Evidence and Recovered Property Section
Tenure: 11 years
Alberto Covarrubias was finally stripped of his badge in February after COPA recommended that he be fired for his fatal shooting of Michael Craig in October 2021. Police had been called to help Craig, who was being stabbed by his wife with a knife. As soon as Covarrubias entered the apartment, he opened fire on Craig. After Covarrubias shot Craig, he never attempted to render medical aid. The city settled the case with Craig’s family in 2023 for $8.75 million.
Former Supt. Eddie Johnson had asked for Covarrubias to be fired in 2018 after he threatened to assault a police officer and stole police documents during a drunken domestic disturbance. Covarrubias was saved by the Police Board, who unanimously disagreed, concluding, “the Board agrees that [Covarrubias] can still honorably contribute to the mission and the goals of the Chicago Police Department.”
Det. Phillip Schorsch #20781, 44 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section/Medical Leave
Last assignment: Area 4
Tenure: 8 years
Det. Phillip Schorsch was stripped following COPA Chief Administrator Kersten’s recommendation to fire him related to a 2020 incident where officers were fired upon while investigating conducting a drug investigation and returned fire. COPA’s final report detailing the investigation is not yet public.
PO Roberto Gomez #11353, 50 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section/Medical leave
Last assignment: 10th District
Tenure: 12 years
Roberto Gomez, a 10th district tactical officer, shot and killed 25-year-old Marc Navarez in October 2020. Navarez was shot in the back as he fled from police. Gomez was finally stripped of his badge following the Police Board’s decision to allow proceedings to continue to determine whether the officer should be fired, as COPA had recommended in March 2023.
PO Heather Fedrick #3012, 33 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section/Medical leave
Last assignment: 18th District
Tenure: 2 years
Heather Fedrick lost her badge after she opened fire on a fleeing vehicle in October. Police were responding to a call from a woman inside the car who reported she didn’t feel safe and men in the car had firearms. Multiple police units, including tactical officers, surrounded the car parked in a parking lot, but they still failed to prevent it from easily evading them. Police later found the car abandoned.
PO Angela Jacobs #19013, 26 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 8th District
Tenure: 5 years
Angela Jacobs lost her badge after she was caught on video wildly waving her firearm out the window of her police vehicle at people involved in a street takeover.
FTO Delilah Garcia #8225, 41 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 6th District
Tenure: 8 years
After a day of drinking with friends and family to celebrate her birthday, Delilah Garcia accidentally discharged a rifle on her front porch, triggering a ShotSpotter alert. As police arrived, Garcia hid the rifle under her bed, then lied to responding officers, denying any shots had been fired. COPA recommended that she be fired. CPD disagreed. In June, the Police Board ruled that the process to separate Garcia should proceed. Garcia was stripped of her badge shortly thereafter.
In July, Garcia was found to be in violation of policy when she was caught working a second job at a car dealership while out on medical leave, earning her a 30-day suspension. Her LinkedIn profile says she is CEO of Pioneer Wheels, LLC a used car dealer.
PO Brian Bolton #15903, 49yo
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Special Investigations Unit
Tenure: 26 years
PO Manuel Leano #4303, 54yo
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 2nd District
Tenure: 23 years
Det. Douglas Nichols #21406, 47yo
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Area 4
Tenure: 21 years
PO Robert Gonzalez #12162, 49yo
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 2nd District
Tenure: 26 years
Officers Brian Bolton, Manuel Leano, Robert Gonzalez and Detective Douglas Nichols were all stripped of their badges at the start of 2024, shortly after the Police Board revealed they should move forward with COPA’s recommendation to fire the four officers for going along with corrupt former Sgt. Ronald Watts’ bogus drug arrests.
Sgt. Matthew Purches #2610, 53 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 2nd District
Tenure: 26 years
Sgt. Matthew Purches blew up a decades-long career after he ignored a subpoena from COPA and lied to their investigators about his dog biting a man outside his home. COPA recommended he be fired and Supt. Snelling concurred.
PO John Kaporis #18741, 59 years old
Current status: Medical leave/Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Field Services Section (previously 17th District)
Tenure: 29 years
Officer John Kaporis was relieved of his powers in April 2024 in the wake of an investigation into a strange prank involving him and his brother, Detective Christopher Kaporis. COPA found he made a false officer distress call to prompt a faster police response. This wasn’t his first time he was found making false statements; he did the same in 2001 and 2004, according to public records.
Supt. Snelling agreed with COPA Chief Administrator Kersten’s final recommendation to separate John Kaporis from the department, and issued his brother Christopher a 180-day suspension for aiming his gun at an innocent U-Haul mover.
PO Alain Dillon #16145, 36 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 6 years
Alain Dillion, a 5th District tactical officer, was stripped in August for “misuse of department equipment.” Additional details were not immediately available. In July, Dillon was added to the Cook County State’s Attorney’s “do not call” list of officers who had compromised their credibility and could not be called to testify. Dillon is the subject of at least eight COPA and BIA investigations including criminal misconduct, domestic violence, and civil rights violations.
Lt. Christine Blaul #727, 54 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 25th District
Tenure: 28 years
Lt. Christine Blaul was relieved of police powers in February, citing an investigation by the Office of the Inspector General started in 2022. Few details are available other than that the investigation involved “failure to follow department rules in the course of an investigation,” and “false reports.”
Sgt. Eric Acevedo #876, 46 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 18th District
Tenure: 10 years
Sgt. Eric Acevedo, an 18th district tactical team sergeant, was relieved of his police powers in April, citing a 2020 high-speed pursuit that left one man dead and two others seriously injured. Acevedo was promoted to the rank of sergeant just months after the accident.
PO Michael Spilotro III #17487, 29 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 11th District
Tenure: 5 years
Michael Spilotro III, an 11th district tactical officer, was stripped of his badge in September, after COPA Chief Administrator Kersten and Supt. Snelling agreed he should be fired for his role in initiating a high-speed pursuit that led to the death of an innocent motorist. As we previously reported, Spilotro and his rookie partner broke multiple polices when they initiated a high-speed pursuit without telling dispatch, with no lights and sirens, and they failed to activate their body cameras. Their actions led to the 15-year-old driver crashing into four other cars, killing 25-year-old Venezuelan migrant Angel Eduardo Alvarez Montesinos.
FTO Sabrina Hall #4709, 31 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 5th District
Tenure: 6 years
Field Training Officer Sabrina Hall was relieved of her police powers in August citing an investigation into a January 2023 police pursuit which resulted in serious bodily injuries.
PO Erik Jalakas #5871, 51 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 19th District
Tenure: 25 years
Erik Jalakas was arrested in May after he allegedly grabbed a neighbor’s child by the neck with both hands, damaged the child’s phone, and said, “I’ll twist your fucking head off.” The boy had been playing basketball with others in the alley. Prosecutors dropped the charges with the ability to reinstate them later.
PO Jealissa Presswood #13262, 25 years old
Current status: Unpaid leave
Last assignment: 6th District
Tenure: 2 years
Jealissa Presswood was arrested in October and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon stemming from an incident outside an apartment building in August. Allegedly, while referring to a crowd in the parking lot, Presswood displayed a firearm and said, “Those motherfucking kids better not be by my car.” Prosecutors have since dropped the charges.
PO Mohammad Khan #7202, 36 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 19th District
Tenure: 7 years
Mohammad Khan was arrested in March after he was caught on video ripping off both side-view mirrors from the car of his neighbor’s visiting grandfather who had wrongfully parked in a designated disabled parking spot on their street. Later, the neighbors identified Khan when he parked in the same disabled parking spot. Prosecutors dropped charges after Khan fulfilled 40 hours of community service.
PO Romello Washington #3549, 26 years old
Current status: Reinstated, 4th District
Last assignment: 4th District
Tenure: 2 years
Romello Washington was arrested in June after he was found to have damaged a Blue Island golf club’s parking lot—on two separate occasions—by doing donuts in the parking lot. Washington was reinstated in September.
PO Jacob Gies #18021, 26 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 25th District
Tenure: 5 years
Capt. Roberto Nieves #70, 54 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Area 5 Deputy Chief
Tenure: 29 years
Capt. Roberto Nieves and Officer Jacob Gies were arrested in September after Nieves was allegedly caught on video, in uniform, slashing the tires of one or more vehicles. Charges have since been dropped against Gies, though he still hasn’t been reinstated. Nieves was demoted to the rank of captain and the criminal case against him is still active.
PO Dana Hillard #10880, 44 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 2nd District
Tenure: 18 years
Dana Hillard is the subject of a Bureau of Internal Affairs investigation categorized as “Criminal Misconduct-Theft.”
PO Thomas Norberg #13402, 60 years old
Current status: Retired
Last assignment: 2nd District
Tenure: 29 years
Thomas Norberg is the subject of a Bureau of Internal Affairs investigation categorized as “Criminal Misconduct-Theft.” Norberg retired from the department just weeks after he was stripped of his badge. BIA has said that despite Norberg’s retirement, their investigation is ongoing.
CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Norberg had been arrested.
PO Jalen Woods #11058, 31 years old
Current status: Reinstated, Training and Support Group
Last assignment: Training and Support Group
Tenure: 7 years
Jalen Woods’ brief time without his badge was fast and furious. Woods was arrested in Tempe, Arizona in what he says was a case of racial profiling. Woods was charged with “Exhibition of Speed” after he allegedly squealed the tires of his rented orange Dodge Challenger Hellcat Redeye. Prosecutors dropped the charges and Woods was reinstated within a month.
PO Kristen Daniels #13675, 37 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: Tactical Review and Evaluation Division
Tenure: 8 years
COPA sustained multiple allegations against Kristen Daniels stemming from a 2019 traffic stop involving a family. While conducting a search of the vehicle, Daniels took a child in a car seat out of a car, set it on the ground, never ensured the child was safe or monitored, and ultimately left the scene without returning the child to the car. Investigators found she used frequent profanity, made threats, tried to provoke an altercation with the driver, and attempted to swat the phone out of the driver’s hand while he was recording. COPA recommended a range of discipline from a six-month suspension up to separation. Supt. Snelling recommended she be fired.
PO Chavon Trammell #14696, 31 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 14th District
Tenure: 8 years
Chavon Trammell, a 14th District tactical officer, was stripped of his badge for a neglect of duty allegation. BIA refused to provide more detail citing an open investigation.
PO Marc Mack #10398, 33 years old
Current status: Alternate Response Section
Last assignment: 4th District
Tenure: 2 years
Marc Mack lost his badge in September citing an ongoing BIA investigation into verbal abuse and profanity. Additional details were not available.
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Alexandra Giampapa was one of four Chicago police officers who fired at Reed in a hail of 96 bullets at a traffic stop last year. Now she’s a cop in Ohio.
Superintendent Snelling recently moved to terminate Officer Michael Spilotro III for his role in a tragedy that garnered little attention in 2023. Spilotro and his rookie partner violated multiple department policies in pursuit of a stolen vehicle that crashed into several others, killing 25-year-old Venezuelan migrant Angel Eduardo Alvarez Montesinos.
Detective Marco Torres, the subject of a suit against the city filed by another police officer accusing the department of covering up domestic violence, was sentenced to one year of probation and electronic monitoring.